AOA Kwon Mina Plastic Surgery- Is AOA Kwon Mina Plastic Surgery Fact or Just Rumor?

The rumor of AOA Kwon Mina Plastic Surgery has been stealing many people's attention. The vocalist that was 22 years old was reported having plastic surgery. Compared to her look in the introduction (2012), Kwon Mina appeared shift a little. It's possible for you to view the before and following image to view whether Kwon Mina plastic surgery was not false or not. She might have double eyelid operation. Yet this thread continues to be debatable.

AOA is becoming so popular this day. They're not just gifted. In addition they got proportional and hot body.

AOA Kwon Mina Plastic Surgery Before and After

AOA Kwon Mina Plastic Surgery- Double Eyelid Surgery?

Double eyelid surgery is very popular in Korea. This process could make the user's eyes seemed larger.

When individuals comparing her images the conjecture seemed. There was a chance that her eyes were got by Mina also. In the image you ca see that her eyes seemed different. Her present eyes seemed less closed. Would you believe it was Kwon Mina plastic surgery?

Various opinions had been asked by the train of thought from people. Some folks agreed with it, but some others believed that it might be make technique up.

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